Trump Endorses Key GOP Candidate

Photo Credit: Office of the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

Donald Trump has endorsed North Carolina conservative Mark Robinson for governor. Robinson, who is currently the lieutenant governor of of the state, is running against Dale Falwell, the state treasurer, in the primary.

Robinson does not yet have a final Democrat opponent, but could face the Attorney General Josh Stein. Robinson, who is black, was called “Martin Luther King on steroids” by Trump, a monicker he was not sure how to react to. Fox News says:

Former President Trump endorsed GOP candidate Mark Robinson for North Carolina governor on Saturday, dubbing him “Martin Luther King on steroids.”

Trump made the comment at a campaign rally in Greensboro, adding that Robinson, who already serves as lieutenant governor in North Carolina, didn’t know how to react to the remark.

Trump is expected to trounce Haley in the North Caroline primary. Haley has only won the DC primary, and is not expected to win any of the 50 states. While Obama won North Carolina in 2008, the state has otherwise remained consistently Republican at the federal level. Still, North Carolina currently has a Democrat governor, but no Democrat senators. The Hill continues:

Trump is leading his only remaining challenger, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, in the Tar Heel State by nearly 50 points — 72.7 percent to 27.2 percent — per The Hill/Decision Desk HQ’s polling index.

Despite his wide margin lead in the polls, Haley has vowed to remain in the race until Super Tuesday. She is also campaigning in North Carolina this weekend.

North Carolina is a must win state for Trump. Picking up another GOP governor would also be a huge boost to the conservative movement, as the recent support for Texas at the border has proved.

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