Here’s What Trump is suffering in New York

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Donald Trump is facing serious financial trouble in New York. He now has two civil judgements against him, meaning he has to pay the judgement before his appeal can be processed. However, he has found a way to limit the problems. America’s News Desk has the story:

Donald Trump is currently grappling with a barrage of legal challenges targeting his assets and wealth, initiated through various cases brought forth by Democrats utilizing what is referred to as “lawfare” against the leading figure in the GOP.

In recent months, Trump has encountered significant setbacks with two noteworthy rulings issued by Democratic judges. In a defamation lawsuit, the former president was mandated to pay over $80 million to E. Jean Carroll, who accused him of assaulting her decades ago.

In a separate case, the New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit accusing the ex-president of “fraud.” Despite assertions from the purported victims—banks that extended loans to Trump—that no fraudulent activity occurred, a liberal judge overseeing the case delivered an unprecedented ruling, ordering Trump to pay over $300 million in damages to the state. This move seems strategically aimed at undermining the Trump campaign’s financial standing for the upcoming White House race.

Adding to the complexity of challenging these contentious rulings, the appeals court has compelled Trump to post an initial bond of nearly half a billion dollars merely to initiate the process of securing a fair trial.

Attorney General Letitia James has proven what a sham, partisan attack her fraud case is. She has been criticized for unethically taunting Donald Trump on Twitter, tweeting his interest payments on the original $330 million judgement.

James has vowed to seize Trump Tower if the former president cannot come up with over $400 million in cash to post as bond.

“Saying that she was “very confident” with the strength of her case on appeal, James reiterated that her office would not hesitate to seize Trump’s assets — mentioning Trump’s 40 Wall Street skyscraper by name — if the former president is unable to find the cash to cover the court-ordered disgorgement,” wrote ABC News.

The civil judgements could actually be Trump’s biggest problems, as money is the lifeblood of any political campaign. Because it is not a criminal trial, he has to pay the settlement or put down a bond to continue his appeals. While a criminal conviction might hurt him among independents, the judgement could stifle his campaigning even more.

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