Here’s Who Mike Pence Will Support in 2024

Photo Caption: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Mike Pence has declared that he will not support Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the 2024 election. The Amin part of his argument is his disagreement over politics like TikTok and higher spending. However, what is probably at the root of it all is his experience during January 6 2021. America’s News Desk reports:

On Friday, former Vice President Mike Pence made it clear he would not support the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, unlike some of Trump’s former rivals such as Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Tim Scott.

Despite serving as Trump’s VP, Pence refused to endorse the former president, claiming he has abandoned issues important to conservatives, stating that he “could not, in good conscience,” offer his support.

Pence also nailed Trump on his apparent change of heart when it comes to banning TikTok, which has been accused of spying on Americans on behalf of China. CNN noted that he “argued that the former president has walked away from conservative issues, pointing to Trump’s stance on abortion and US national debt and his reversal on TikTok.”

In February, Pence announced that he had launched a political advocacy group that intends “to invest $20 million this year to shape the conservative agenda, an effort to directly counter what Pence had previously described as populism ‘unmoored to conservative principles,’” reported The Hill.

“The first will be to shape political majorities by creating a policy platform for candidates to embrace “and reverse the Right’s drift toward populism and the Left’s embrace of socialism.”

The second piece is focused on championing conservative legislation and advancing Pence’s policy priorities, which include promoting free trade, limiting government spending, restoring U.S. leadership on the world stage, and confronting China.

The third and final part of the project is aimed at protecting conservative principles, such as limited government.”

Most other Republicans have endorsed Donald Trump and his brand of populism. Being more lax on spending, especially when it comes to Social Security and pro-Conservative causes, could make Trump more popular with the center of the electorate, at the cost of die-hard fiscal hawks.

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