Trump Reveals Plan to Save the Auto Industry

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Donald Trump has taken shots at Joe Biden and his industrial record. Under the Biden Administration, electric mandates have been put in place to supposedly lower emissions. The reality, however, is that it only benefits rich liberals in coastal cities and hurts job prospects for millions of blue collar Americans. America’s News Desk says:

The presidential campaign of former President Donald Trump responded strongly to President Joe Biden’s recently announced plan, which is being hailed as the most radical effort to dismantle the gas-powered car industry and compel consumers to switch to government-mandated electric vehicles.

The finalized rule was seen as a compromise by some, appeasing environmentalists who advocated for a bold and unprecedented push to phase out vehicles powered by combustion engines.

“Joe Biden’s extreme electric vehicle mandate will force Americans to buy ultra-expensive cars they do not want and cannot afford while destroying the U.S. auto industry in the process. This radical policy is anti-jobs, anti-consumer, and anti-American. It will destroy the livelihoods of countless U.S. autoworkers while sending the U.S. auto industry to China.” a Trump campaign spokesperson stated in a release.

“President Trump will reverse Joe Biden’s extreme electric vehicle mandate on Day One. He will protect the freedom of Americans to drive whichever vehicle they choose, enhance President Trump’s tough tariffs on Chinese-imported cars, and save the U.S. auto industry for generations to come.” the spokesperson continued.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asserted that its national pollution standard, which may face legal challenges, has the potential to prevent over 7 billion tons of carbon emissions.

According to the EPA, this reduction in emissions could result in annual benefits of $100 billion for the United States.

However many observers have also noted the extreme pressures such rules would put on American carmakers and consumers who would be forced to pay a significant price for the radical new standards.

Cars have been getting more expensive every year, mostly due to burdensome regulations. In other countries, cars remain more affordable due to more reasonable standards.

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