RNC Comes to Trump’s Rescue

Photo Credit: nattanan, via Pixabay

With New York on the verge of seizing Trump’s asset following the judgement, the RNC could be stepping in to help Trump. With new loyal leadership to helm the RNC, the committee will use party funds to cover Trump’s expenses. America’s News Desk says:

Contrary to previous statements made by Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley and co-chair Lara Trump, it has been revealed in an Associated Press report that the organization will indeed be covering a portion of Donald Trump’s legal expenses.

In a strategic move, the campaign of the former president, who happens to be the father-in-law of Lara Trump, has reached a notable agreement with the RNC.

This agreement will ensure that donations are directed towards his campaign and his Save America political action committee, which has been instrumental in covering Trump’s legal expenses.

According to reports, Trump’s campaign spent a staggering $50 million of donor funds solely on his legal expenses last year.

In the first two months of 2024, a significant portion of Save America PAC’s operating expenses was allocated to legal spending, accounting for an impressive 85%.

In a recent inquiry about the RNC’s financial support for Trump’s legal team, a response was sought.

Trump’s legal perils and campaign are now one and the same. While this is good news for Trump’s immediate issues, the money the RNC is spending on this could instead go to supporting critical races.

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