Is Biden Trying a Trump Trick to Get Elected?

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Joe Biden and his campaign are attempting to portray Trump as “broke”, due to the New York judgement. Democrats have started using the petty insult to imitate Trump’s own style, but like so many before him have proved, Trump remains the master at using this kind of language. America’s News Desk reports:

President Biden’s desperate reelection campaign has adopted a new tactic that comes right out of the Trump playbook.

Get ready to hear the phrase “Broke Don” a lot more.

The Hill noted that some have considered the name calling offensive, while others have been dismissed as mere frivolous insults,

The strategy may backfire against Democrats, reminding the public that the party appears to be abusing the legal system to attack Trump and seize his assets in an effort to undermine his campaign.

Pollster Frank Luntz issued a dire warning to Democrats on CNN over the weekend, wrote America’s News Brief.

“I want you to remember this moment and don’t forget it,” Luntz said during an appearance on CNN. “If the attorney general starts to take his homes away, starts to seize his assets, it’s all gonna be on camera. Pundits are gonna sit there scream about this, ‘this man cannot be elected.’ You’re going to create the biggest victimhood of 2024 and you’re going to elect Donald Trump. If they take his stuff, he’s gonna say that this is proof that the federal government and the establishment and the swamp in Washington and all the politicians across the country and the attorneys generals and all of this, that this is a conspiracy to deny him the presidency.”

When other opponents have tried to “out-Trump Trump,” they have failed massively. In 2016, as the then first-time candidate steamrolled the GOP primary, Marco Rubio desperately attacked Trump for the size of his hands, a maneuver that was relentlessly mocked by commentators and voters alike.

Rubio eventually backed Trump and worked with him and is now considered a potential running mate to the former president, according to New Conservative Post.

While Trump’s wealth has helped his image, it is by no means essential to his supporters. Like Luntz said, seizing his assets will only give the appearance of a coordinated attack on him by the Democrats and their federal lapdogs. Trump’s net worth has slowly been eroding since he got elected, and contributed to the image that he is willing to risk his own fortune to run for the Presidency.

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