Biden Having Trouble with Key Demographic

Photo Credit: The White House, via Wikimedia

Joe Biden is having serious trouble with one of the Democrats’ key demographic. Young people, who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, are not behind Biden and many have indicated no desire to vote. America’s News Desk says:

According to a recent poll, a mere 9 percent of young Americans reportedly have confidence that the United States is progressing in the correct way.

According to a survey conducted by Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics and released on Thursday, less than 10 percent of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 believe that the country is generally progressing in the correct direction.

Approximately 58 percent of participants expressed the belief that the nation is progressing in an unfavorable way.

However, over 50% of the young Americans surveyed expressed their intention to vote for President Biden in the upcoming November election.

Furthermore, a majority of 53 percent of the respondents expressed their firm intention to participate in the upcoming presidential election.

Biden has faced mounting pressure to enhance his polling numbers among young voters following a recent NPR/NewsHour/Marist Poll, which revealed that former President Trump had a 2-point lead over him among millennial and Generation Z Americans.

The president has advocated for the alleviation of student debt in order to attract the support of young Americans, who played a crucial role as a voting bloc in the 2020 election.

According to the recent study, 27 percent of young Americans identified the economy as the primary national problem that worried them.

Regarding other matters of concern to young voters, 45 percent of registered young Americans have shown their interest in keeping up with the news regarding the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Furthermore, 45 percent of respondents expressed uncertainty when questioned about their belief regarding the justification of Israel’s response thus far.

According to the study, 32% of respondents expressed the belief that the response following the attacks on October 7th has not been justified.

Regarding immigration matters, 53 percent of young Americans expressed their belief in the existence of a crisis at the U.S.-southern border.

Concurrently, the study discovered that 50 percent of respondents were in agreement with the notion that immigrants enhance the culture of the United States.

The survey was carried out from March 14th to March 21st and involved a total of 2,010 young individuals from the United States. The margin of error is 3.02 percentage points.

Biden is already well aware that the youth vote is slipping, which is why he is pushing for pro-Hamas policies against Israel. Keeping the rest of his coalition together will be difficult, and he could lose to a unified Republican Party behind Trump.

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