Biden Commits to Insanity

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Joe Biden has announced that he will be willing to debate Donald Trump for the 2024 election. Although details still need to ironed out, this is a huge change in Biden’s previous policy which was unsure about whether he would debate Trump, probably due to his own cognitive functions. America’s News Desk says:

Joe Biden has changed his stance on whether or not he will debate Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner.

Fox News revealed that some were surprised to see Biden’s shift in stance toward debating Trump.

Political commentators joked that Biden’s staff is panicking after the gaffe-prone president said he would be “happy” to debate Trump during an interview with Howard Stern Friday.

“I don’t know if you’re going to debate your opponent,” Stern said.

The president replied, “I am, somewhere, I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.”

Biden’s comments represent a shift from past remarks about possibly debating Trump. Last month, he told reporters it would depend “on his behavior.”

Biden’s interview with Stern saw many of his is biggest critics mock him.


For his part, Donald Trump says that he’s eager to take on “Sleepy Joe.”

CBS News wrote that “Mr. Biden’s answer comes as Trump and his campaign have called on him to publicly commit to a debate. Trump reacted to Mr. Biden’s interview in a post on Truth Social, writing that “everyone knows he doesn’t really mean it, but in case he does, I say, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANYPLACE.”

News organizations have also urged the two men to commit to face off. CBS News and 11 other news outlets issued a statement earlier this month urging the two to publicly state their commitments to a debate in the fall.”

Commission on Presidential Debates announced September 16, October 1, and October 9.

They have also scheduled one vice presidential debate for September 25.

The Stern interview raised a lot of eyebrows because the president made a view strange comments, including one in which he claimed “lovely” women would send him “racy” photos.

Trump is a good debater, and will likely perform well now that Biden is the incumbent and his cognitive functions are declining.

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