Biden Is Now Appeasing Iran

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

In his broader move against America and Israel’s interests, Biden has been pushing towards reducing sanctions on Iran. While normalizing relations with other countries is a good thing, Iran has shown no cool down of its own rhetoric against America. The lifting of earlier sanctions can be directly linked to Iran’s moves against Israel through Hamas. America’s News Desk says:

President Joe Biden is reportedly encouraging America’s European allies to reduce their pressure on Iran regarding its unlawful nuclear activities, as the country continues to rapidly increase its stockpile of nuclear fuel that is classified as “near-weapons grade.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that the administration is attempting to prevent Britain and France from censing the Islamic Republic at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) member-state board next month, citing sources from a variety of diplomats whom it interviewed.

The report also stated that the administration has urged a number of other countries to abstain from a censure vote against Iran, which is what it will do.

The IAEA, the United Nations’ nuclear inspector, has reported that Iran has increased its stockpile of near weapons-grade enriched uranium. This news is timely.

In the past few months, the country has increased its stockpile of 60% enriched uranium from 121.5 kilograms to 142.1 kilograms, according to the report, which was viewed by the Associated Press.

According to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), the enrichment of uranium to 60% accounts for 99% of the effort necessary to produce weapons-grade uranium.

The announcement was made shortly after Iran initiated the enrichment of uranium to 20% and 60%, as well as the stockpiling of both following the November 2020 elections.

Iran has amassed unprecedented levels of enriched uranium in violation of international law under the leadership of President Joe Biden, who has relaxed sanctions enforcement against the country.

This has resulted in the transfer of tens of billions of dollars to the country, which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Peace through strength is the American way something every President understood until Obama and Biden. America must restrict its commitments to gain friendship but oppose those who wish to destroy her.

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