Donald Trump Reveals Views on JFK Assassination

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Donald Trump revealed his belief that JFK was assassinated by the CIA in 1963. While he released most of the files during his Presidency, he alleged that government officials pressured him to keep some of them a secret. America’s News Desk says:

Former President Donald Trump casually stated on Thursday that the CIA “was probably behind” former President John F. Kennedy’s killing after revealing that he was urged not to release JFK-related information during his first term as president.

After being asked on The All-In Podcast why he did not disclose all of the JFK files, after previously pledging to, Trump stated:

“I actually did do it. I released a lot, as you know, but when it came to the whole thing, I was hit by some people that work for me, who are great people that you would respect.” Trump said.

“They asked me not to do it, and I’m saying, “Why? Tell me why?” And they said, “Sir, I think it needs a little more time.” And I released a lot, but I said, if they feel so strongly, I respect the people, and would have done that again, but this time I’m just gonna do it.” he continued.

When asked about RFK Jr.’s claim that the CIA was behind the assassination Trump said: “Well, this wasn’t CIA that asked me, but I think CIA was probably behind it. They would’ve preferred that I not release the rest of it.”

“It’s gonna be done early on. A lot people want to see that, and whatever it may say, I won’t say, I sort of have an idea, but whatever it is, it’ll be very interesting for people to see, and we’re gonna have to learn from it.” Trump added.

Whether the CIA actually committed this horrific crime is uncertain, as paper trails probably run cold. The implications of this

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