SHOCKING: Biden to Drop Out

Photo Credit: Joe Biden, via X

According to multiple sources, Biden is set to drop out of running for President. However, he will not stepping down from the Presidency or endorsing Kamala Harris. America’s News Desk says:

According to a stunning new report, President Biden is now planning on formally pulling out of the 2024 presidential race this weekend after weeks of pressure from other Democrats.

Also, according to the reports, Biden will not be resigning from office or endorsing Vice-President Harris. Instead he reportedly plans on allowing his successor to be chosen at the Democratic convention.

A convention fight to select a next candidate will be brutal by all accounts. Expect behind the scenes maneuvering as well as profuse leaks to the media. Top candidates that come immediately to mind are Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsome, and Pete Buttigieg. However, Democrats will have much better chances in 2028 running against another candidate than Trump, as they will have to own the mess Biden has created.

READ NEXT: DNC Maneuvers Against Biden Continues


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