Pollster: These Dem Politicians Could Beat Trump

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Frank Luntz, a well known pollster, declared that he thinks three politicians could beat Trump in the 2024 election. All three are relatively low profile in national politics, but have relatively good approval in their state or city. America’s News Desk says:

Frank Luntz, a pollster and political analyst, named three Democrats who he believes could succeed President Joe Biden and even manage to defeat former President Donald Trump, but none of them were Vice President Kamala Harris.

On Friday, Luntz appeared on Squawk Box, and Andrew Ross Sorkin asked the pollster if anyone could seriously give Republicans a “run for their money” if Biden wanted to step aside, as recent rumors have indicated due to worries about his age and stamina.

“I absolutely can identify three people who could do it. Cory Booker, the senator from New Jersey, former mayor Newark, brought a city that was on its knees back up to its feet, an amazing speaker, brings crowds, gets standing ovations wherever he goes; Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland who has already handled a nationwide crisis, the striking of the bridge, and understands what it is to get things done; and then Mitch Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans when the city was going through the hell that it went through, once again a city that was brought to its feet.” Luntz said.

“All three of them would give Trump a tremendous run for [his] money because all three of them are great politicians.” he continued.

Sorkin then asked about Harris rising to the top of the ticket, to which Luntz responded that her polling isn’t as strong as other prospective Biden replacements, putting Democrats in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position.

Luntz then went on to predict a war within the Democratic Party if Harris is nominated since so many contributors oppose her.

None of these are Kamala Harris, or are anywhere near the top of the Democrat machine that could elevate them. Trump will have to keep a close eye on who his new opponent will be, and continue to press his advantage that he’s accumulated in the last few weeks.

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