Harris Pledges More Support for Illegals

Photo Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, via Flickr

In the most recent Biden-Harris initiative, Democrats have pledged more support for illegal immigrants, offering to give them access to programs designed for Americans. America’s News Desk says:

The Biden-Harris administration proposed a new rule that would grant unlawful immigrants access to taxpayer-funded college preparatory programs that were intended to support low-income American citizens.

The new proposed rule from the Biden-Harris Department of Education would enable illegal immigrants who qualify for the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) to access federal TRIO programs.

These programs are designed to support and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities as they progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post-baccalaureate programs.

“The Biden-Harris administration’s proposal would take college preparatory aid away from American citizens and give it to illegal aliens. Instead of waiting until 2025 for this America Last policy to be reversed, House Republicans should pass my bill to protect working American families’ access to college aid,” Rep. Jim Banks said of the new proposal.

The Biden-Harris administration has presided over the largest surge in illegal immigration in American history, and the endeavor to divert taxpayer funds to illegal immigrants was initiated at the same time.

Since January 2021, an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways have been recorded, with over 10 million individuals having unlawfully crossed the border during the administration.

At a time when Americans are hurting, Democrats are prioritizing foreigners and putting Americans last. This cannot be a greater contrast with Trump’s own agenda.

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