RINO Explains His Support for Kamala

Photo Credit: White House, via Flickr

A former Republican Congressman, Adam Kinzinger, has openly supported Kamala Harris for President. Nominally a Republican, Kinzinger broke from the party when he deemed them not committed enough to support Ukraine. America’s News Desk says:

At the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, former Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger expressed his endorsement of Vice President Kamala at the event, asserting that voting for her would be consistent with the “bedrock values” of the United States.

In his speech in support of Harris, Kinzinger, who had previously pledged to support far-Left Democrats if he believed their Republican opponents were “anti-democracy,” asserted that Democrats are just “as patriotic” as their political opponents.

Harris was described as the most liberal senator during her tenure in the Senate.

“I am proud to be in the trenches with you as part of this sometimes awkward alliance that we have to defend truth, defend democracy, and decency. I was a Republican for 12 years in Congress and I still hold onto the label. I never thought I’d be here, but listen, you’d never thought you’d see me here, did you.” Kinzinger said.

Democrats, Kinzinger said “love this country just as much as we do. And they are as eager to defend American values at home and abroad as we conservatives have ever been.”

Kinzinger was never a conservative, only an ally of convenience so long as the US continued to play world police.

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