Cruz Warns of Kamala’s Illegal Immigration Plan

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Ted Cruz is sounding the alarm on Kamala Harris’ suspected immigration plan. Seeing it as a net benefit to Democrats, Cruz is accusing Harris of inviting illegals to destroy America. America’s News Desk says:

This week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that the president of Mexico and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris are now collaborating to bring an inordinate number of illegal immigrants into the United States in order to significantly alter the political landscape of the country in favor of the Democratic party.

Cruz made the startling comments during his “Verdict” podcast with co-host Ben Ferguson.

He was discussing the vice president’s disastrous policies, which have caused significant damage to the southern border and communities throughout the United States.

These communities have been burdened by the burden of providing for millions of illegal aliens along with a significant increase in crime.

“Kamala Harris wants more illegal immigrants in America. Just about every single congressional Democrat in the Senate and the House, they want more illegal immigrants in America. They are actively encouraging, facilitating and accelerating the invasion at our southern border.” Cruz remarked.

“So now the government of Mexico is actively aiding and assisting the human traffickers. They will provide bus rides throughout Mexico, along with armed escorts from police and soldiers to bring illegal immigrants to the border to invade this country. And they’re doing this because Kamala Harris wants them to do this.” he added.

“AMLO, the president of Mexico, wants as much illegal immigration as possible to go into America, and Kamala Harris wants as much illegal immigration as possible to go into America. Both for the same reason: which is to fundamentally shift the policies of the United States of America and to move them dramatically to the left.” Cruz concluded.

Hispanic voters have shown a gradual shift towards the Republican Party, thwarting the Democrats’ demographic goal. While Harris’ plan might not directly import voters, it will certainly create horrific conditions that will lead to the need for Federal intervention.

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