Old School Democrat Has This to Say About Woke

Photo Crdit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

James Carville, President Clinton’s former strategist, is criticizing Kamala Harris for her sharp turn to the Left and into Identity Politics. America’s News Desk says:

When criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris’s flip-flop on earlier policy ideas, Democratic strategist James Carville reportedly slammed his party’s shift to the “identity left”.

Carville spoke with the Intelligencer before of Tuesday’s debate between Harris and former President Donald Trump, and he praised Harris for revising some of her positions since ascending to the top of the Democratic Party ticket, such as dropping her support for banning fracking.

“The truth of the matter is that, for some reason in 2020, people just kind of lost it. And it was all really — I don’t want to say dumb, but just not very smart stuff. And everybody has kind of dropped it. No one likes the word ‘woke’ anymore, so I won’t use it. But the whole identity left — no one wants to talk about it anymore, for good reason. It was a giant mistake,” Carville remarked.

The former Bill Clinton adviser has long chastised the more “woke” factions of his own party.

Carville claimed that the “woke” in the Democratic Party had never represented more than a small minority.

“I think it was bad political consultants, but I don’t know where people started taking this stuff seriously. And at its height, it was 15% of the Democratic Party, 8% of the country,” Carville concluded.

While the “woke” in the Democratic Party might be a minority, it is a powerful minority that has captured the entire party. It will come down to the middle of the road voter, who will have to decide if this is the direction they want the country to go in.

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