Are Dems Proud to Be American?

A shocking poll revealed that only 1 in 3 Democrats claimed to be “extremely proud” to be American. This contrasts to 59% of Republicans, and that result has been at its lowest in years. America’s News Desk says: According to survey data released only two days


Trump Makes a Promise

Trump attended the Libertarian Party convention to court votes. During his speech, Trump promised to appoint libertarians to his cabinet. America’s News Desk reports: Libertarians have long been a finicky bunch and on Saturday, Donald Trump learned that the hard way.  Reuters writes that “Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, a marked change from the adulation he receives at rallies from his fervently loyal supporters. Libertarians, who believe in limited government and individual freedom, blame Trump, a Republican, for rushing through the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine when he was

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Trump Makes Peace with Former Opponent

Trump is showing grace towards Nikki Haley, despite a difficult primary he described as “nasty”. This came after Haley said she would be voting for him, as Biden is a far worse choice on all fronts. America’s News Desk says: On Thursday, former President Trump responded to Nikki Haley’s assertion that she will vote for him in November by stating that she is “going to be on our team in some form.” Haley initially challenged him for the GOP nomination. Following his campaign rally in the South Bronx of New York City, Trump declared that he and the former U.N. ambassador subscribe

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GOP Governor Wants to Fix Ballot Issue


As of right now, Joe Biden will not be able to appear on the ballot in Ohio for November. This is due to a late Democrat Convention which is passed the legal deadline. GOP Governor Mike DeWine will instead try to get the assembly to modify the law for this election. America’s News Desk reports: Next week, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) will reportedly convene a special session of the state legislature to guarantee that President Joe Biden is included on the November ballot. The deadline for submitting a ballot in the Buckeye State is August 7. Nevertheless, the Democratic National Convention

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RFK Challenges Trump and Biden on X


Elon Musk has agreed with Robert F. Kennedy to host a Presidential Debate on X. This comes as Trump and Biden agreed to a debate on CNN without RFK. Although not yet on enough ballots, RFK has a growing share of the vote which means he can’t be ignored. America’s News Desk reports: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate, has now expressed his desire to conduct a presidential debate between himself, former President Trump, and President Biden on the social platform X (formerly known as Twitter). He contends that the platform has a significantly larger audience than the

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Conservative Investor Takes on Media


Vivek Ramaswamy, the former Presidential candidate, has bough a 5% stake in Buzzfeed. Considered a large stake for this company, Vivek has indicated that he wishes to reorient Buzzfeed’s article writing strategy. America’s News Desk says: A wealthy, former presidential candidate is making a pivot to media.  Vivek Ramaswamy has bought an 8 percent stake in BuzzFeed Media and seeks to “shift” the media company’s strategy. “Stay tuned,” a Ramaswamy spokesman told CNBC. A prominent Trump supporter, Ramaswamy indicated that he will soon be discussing every aspect of the company’s operations with BuzzFeed’s management. The National Pulse had more details about Vivek’s big move. Shares of

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Here’s What Americans Think of Deportation


A majority of Independents support the physical removal of most if not all illegal immigrants. This comes following 3 years of catastrophic border policy, where tens of thousands of illegals from all around the world streamed through the Southern border. America’s News Desk says: A recent poll revealed that over 60% of Independents believe that the majority or all illegal immigrants who are presently in the United States should be deported. According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, a substantial majority of independents are in favor of the policy, with 61 percent of respondents indicating that they believe the United States should deport

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Globalists Issue New Threat Against Israel

The International Criminal Court is on the verge of issuing arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas commanders. The court has previously only prosecuted small country leaders who had been deposed by American troops. Putin has been the first major leader to receive a warrant against him, and the floodgates are now opening. America’s News Desk reports: On Monday, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor announced that he is pursuing arrest warrants for Hamas and Israel’s leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in connection with their respective seven-month conflict. Although neither Netanyahu nor his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, are in imminent

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Here’s Why Biden Voters Are Abandoning Him


Many Joe Biden voters are having buyer’s remorse. Among the top issues for these voters is the economy, Biden’s advanced age, and his confused policies regarding the Gaza War. America’s News Desk reports: Joe Biden’s reelection chances are facing significant hurdles, according to a new survey by The New York Times.  Voters, particularly those who voted for the Democrat in 2020, are abandoning the president in droves, and in recent interviews, they explained why they were switching back to Trump.  Their answers were eye opening, wrote Fox News.  The New York Times spoke to a number of swing state voters who explained why they

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Trump Outmaneuvers New York DA


Donald Trump has put DA Alvin Bragg on blast and has cornered him. Trump implied that Bragg would be dropping the case against him because he fears he would loose. America’s News Desk says: On Thursday, former President Donald Trump reportedly made an implication that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg would imminently “drop” the hush money case brought against him, citing financial and “self-respect” considerations. “People are thinking that Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, who never wanted to bring the Witch Hunt against me in the first place, is going to drop this ridiculous and very unpatriotic “CASE” in order to

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Top Democrat Defects to Trump


A major Democrat donor working in tech has abandoned Biden for Donald Trump. Citing the mounting numbers of problems in America, Trump is now the best option. America’s News Desk has the story: Jacob Helberg, a tech adviser and a major donor to the Democratic Party, has reportedly joined an influx of wealthy donors who are opposing President Joe Biden in 2024 and supporting former president Donald Trump. The tech adviser Helberg has contributed $1 million to Trump’s re-election campaign, making him one of the most significant financial supporters of the candidate’s November re-election bid. Helberg used his wealth and influence to

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