Hunter Biden’s Latest Claim Might be the Most Ridiculous Yet

Photo Credit: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call, via Wikimedia Commons

In an interview with Axios, Hunter Biden made the strange claim that his father’s candidacy hinged on his own soberness. Based on polling, Americans are far more concerned about the Border and inflation that a 53 year old man’s struggle with prostitutes and drugs. America’s News Desk has the story:

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden claimed that his continued sobriety may be the only thing stopping former President Trump from winning the White House in November

In an uncommon interview, the son of the president stated that the upcoming election is a critical one for democracy and disclosed that complications arise if he is unable to maintain sobriety.

“Most importantly, you have to believe that you’re worth the work, or you’ll never be able to get sober. But I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here,” Hunter Biden remarked in an interview with Axios.

“Maybe it’s the ultimate test for a recovering addict — I don’t know. I have always been in awe of people who have stayed clean and sober through tragedies and obstacles few people ever face. They are my heroes, my inspiration.” he continued.

The House Republicans are conducting an impeachment investigation against Hunter Biden on the grounds that he intentionally manipulated government policy during his vice presidential term to advance his son’s employment with a foreign company.

The White House has consistently refuted the accusation that the president benefited from his son’s foreign policy transactions, which has been the subject of Republican investigation.

Wednesday, the younger Biden is scheduled to provide a closed-door deposition to two House committees.

Hunter Biden’s road to stability clearly goes through sober living. However, the American people are far more concerned about his corrupt dealings with Chinese and Ukrainian firms. Most importantly, they want to know the extend of his father’s involvement.


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