Trump’s Latest Proposal Would Make George Washington Proud

Photo Credit: The White House, modified by Conservative News Nation with FaceApp

Donald Trump hinted that he would not protect Prince Harry’s immigration status if he were elected as President. Harry relinquished his status as a British Royal to live in Hollywood with his notoriously liberal wife Meghan Markle. Due to being part of a former ruling family, Harry’s visa could be problematic as his status as a foreign government official is unclear.

Former President Trump has stated that if elected in November, he would not protect Prince Harry, a potential hint that the wayward royal may face deportation if Trump wins in November.

Amidst an ongoing legal dispute initiated by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, against the Department of Homeland Security concerning the department’s adherence to pertinent regulations in granting the British royal, 39, his visa, Trump levied the accusation that the Biden administration was protecting Harry.

“I wouldn’t protect him,” Trump remarked

“He would be on his own if it was down to me,” he continued.

In 2020, both Prince Harry and his spouse, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, relocated to California after relinquishing their positions as active members of the British royal family.

“Spare,” a memoir detailing Harry’s existence as a member of the royal family, was published the year prior.

The memoir chronicled his grieving process subsequent to the demise of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997, as well as his allegations that members of his own royal family were secret racists.

Queen Elizabeth, the grandmother of Harry, passed away at the age of 96 in 2022.

The royal family, according to Trump’s recent remarks, has been “too gracious” to Harry in light of “what he has done” to the royal family.

Trump deporting a British Royal could make him popular, especially as Harry has been highly critical of conservatives and generally pandering to liberal audiences.


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