Ted Cruz Puts Joe Biden on Blast

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Ted Cruz has been making media rounds warning about Joe Biden’s reckless foreign policy. The threat of terrorism in the United States is at a new high, but Biden is not alerting the public to its seriousness. America’s News Desk says:

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) strongly criticized President Joe Biden this week, claiming that his actions have led to a heightened threat environment from terrorists, comparable to the aftermath of September 11, 2001.

Cruz discussed his views on the consequences of Biden’s open border policies and his approach towards Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism, during a recent episode of his podcast “Verdict” with co-host Ben Ferguson.

Also, according to Cruz, U.S. officials have reported a significant number of drones being used by Mexican drug cartels to aid in illegal drug trafficking and human smuggling across the U.S. southern border.

“I think there’s no question about it and the risk of a major terrorist attack in the United States is higher today than it has been any time since September 11, 2001. And on top of that, we have the news breaking this weekend, USA Today reported, quote, ‘The US is on high alert for a potential attack on Israel or on American facilities in the Middle East in retaliation for an Israeli strike in Syria that killed Iranian commanders.’” Cruz said.

“So, we have Iran the leading state sponsor of terrorism, promising a decisive response, funding millions and millions of dollars to fund Hamas terrorists, to fund Hezbollah terrorists, to fund Palestinian Islamic Jihad, to attack directly American forces in the Middle East. And we have on top of that, Joe Biden and the Democrats and by the way, it’s not just Joe Biden, it’s every congressional Democrat who has rubber stamped these open border policies, who have given the Iranians and Hamas and Hezbollah a red-carpet invitation to come into this country.” he continued.

The presence of Israeli hostages in Gaza remains the primary roadblock to a wind down of operations in the region. Iran did not retaliate against Israel for its strike against the Iranian consulate in Syria, but this doesn’t mean they will not in the future.

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