Daughter of Radical Leftist Suffers Consequences

Photo Credit: Ri_Ya, via Pixabay

The daughter of Ilhan Ohjar has been expelled from her Barnard College dormitory. This is the result of her unlawful protest of the Israel-Hamas War, where she repeatedly trespassed and committed other crimes that led to her arrest. America’s News Desk says:

The daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has certain advantages, asserts that she is currently without a permanent residence and is unable to obtain sustenance.

This predicament arose when she was expelled from her esteemed dormitory at Barnard College, where she was paying an annual fee of $90,000.

The expulsion occurred subsequent to her arrest during the recent demonstrations against Israel on Columbia University’s campus.

“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?” Hirsi said in an interview with Teen Vogue.

“I have like four shirts, two pairs of pants. I don’t know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to.” Hirsi whined.

Isra Hirsi, a 21-year-old Barnard student, along with a few other students, received suspensions as a consequence of their participation in a protest.

They were among the over 100 protestors who were handcuffed and removed from a tent encampment on the campus of the Ivy League institution last Thursday for refusing to leave.

Hirsi, a member of the Apartheid Divest student group that opposes Israel, had been informed of her suspension prior to the involvement of the NYPD in arresting protestors and dismantling the anti-Israel protest campsite.

Barnard administration sent warnings to its students on Wednesday, informing them that failure to vacate the premises could result in suspension.

Regarding her detention, Hirsi stated that she was detained for almost eight hours.

“We had so many people who were born female in our group that they didn’t have enough space for us. It was a very slow process in getting everybody into the cells. I was zip-tied for about seven hours and wasn’t released for about eight.” she said.

College students are coddled, believing that they are living in an adult daycare rather than an institution of learning. Only with real consequences to breaking laws will the threat of Communist insurrection subside.

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