Will Americans Vote for Trump After His “Conviction”?

Photo Credit: CmdrDan, via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump’s “conviction” by a Manhattan jury is sure to change polling, but not in the direction Liberals expected. More supporters said they were MORE likely to vote for Trump than before he was convicted. America’s News Desk says:

According to a survey released on Thursday, over two-thirds of voters are of the opinion that a guilty verdict for former President Trump in his criminal hush money trial would not affect their vote.

According to the Marist poll, 67 percent of respondents are undeterred by a guilty verdict in the case, while 17 percent indicated that they would be less inclined to vote for the former president.

Approximately 15% of respondents indicated that they would be more inclined to vote for Trump if he is convicted.

Just over seventy-five percent of respondents indicated that their vote would not be affected if Trump were found not guilty.

In the same vein, the poll indicated that 9 percent of respondents would be less inclined to vote for the presumptive GOP nominee, while 14 percent were more inclined to do so.

In addition, the survey revealed that approximately two-thirds of all electors are already certain of their voting intentions for November and are unlikely to be swayed by any circumstances.

Only seven percent of respondents are uncertain.

The survey results indicate that 73 percent of respondents who stated they would undoubtedly vote have already made up their minds.

The Marist poll, which was sponsored by NPR and PBS Newshour, was conducted between May 21 and 23 and surveyed approximately 1,200 adults.

The margin of error was approximately 3.4 percentage points.

Trump’s conviction has come at an ideal time for him, when he is already riding high in the polls. While his numbers with independents might dip, the trend will likely continue to rise as the economy deteriorates.

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